Wednesday 29 August 2012

How I got FIT!

Have you heard of CrossFit? According to Wikipedia, CrossFit describes its strength and conditioning program as “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement,"[3] with the stated goal of improving fitness (and therefore general physical preparedness), which it defines as "work capacity across broad time and modal domains."[4] Workouts are typically short—20 minutes or less—and intense, demanding all-out physical exertion. They combine movements such as sprinting, rowing, jumping rope, climbing rope, weightlifting, and carrying odd objects; they use barbells,dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, kettlebells, medicine balls, and many bodyweight exercises.[5][6][7] These elements are mixed in numerous combinations to form prescribed "Workouts of the Day" or "WODs". Hour-long classes at affiliated gyms, or "boxes," typically include a warm-up, a skill development segment, the high-intensity WOD, and a period of individual or group stretching. Performance on each WOD is often scored and/or ranked to encourage competition and to track individual progress. Some affiliates offer additional classes, such as Olympic weightlifting, which are not centered around a WOD.[8] 

So now that you have a bit more idea of what CrossFit is about, I want to let you know that I have lost weight and increased strength by doing CrossFit or the WOD at the end of my Olympic Lifting bootcamp. I have NEVER stepped on those cardio machines to lose any weight. Can you tell that I am not a big fan of the treadmills nor ellipticals? I am one of those personal trainers who believes that one MUST lift heavy weights to burn more body fat and that gaining strength is very important. I have also changed my eating habits - Paleo Style.

After giving birth, I was really feeling bummed about my body. I was trying to figure out how I am able to get back being in shape till I returned to the workforce. When I gave birth, I never worked out! You read that right! Never worked out! I was busy trying to figure out how I am able to provide for my son and myself. Getting back in the fitness world was a bit scary for me, I knew there is something new out there! A new style of workouts, something that's in trend! I was right, that something "new" is CrossFit. At first, I just thought this is just some crazy routines till I started researching. Some people tell me that CrossFit is not really a sport/fitness or have some negative outlook about it. Let me tell you, If you have nothing positive to say about CrossFit, why don't you just SHUT your mouth and do a WOD!! I would love to see you survive it! Oh by the way, anyone doing high reps and heavy weights will never always have good forms especially when the body is almost fatiguing.

Moving forward, I will be keeping you posted with my GLAM Fitness life! So stay tuned!! 

Don't forget to watch this YouTube video! Leave me a comment about what you think about CrossFit.

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