Friday 31 August 2012

Doorman's Principle

Lately, I've been really thinking hard about people having standards in life! Maybe not so much about standards but more of, boundaries.

Do you have boundaries in life? Do you know who you should surround yourself with? What kind of situations you would allow yourself to be in?

About a year ago, I've never thought of these. I am the type of person that used to just let anyone in my life without even examining if their morals and values agrees with mine. I believe this is the reason why there were certain situations I was stuck in.

Few months back, I started thinking how some people are able to say no to others and not in certain situations I was in. I've had chatted with one of the members at the gym, she is the sweetest lady I've met. She always works out with her fiancé then, now husband! One day, while they were working out, I've asked the same questions above; they've introduced me to the Doorman's Principle - this is a list of morals and values that you believe in. They said when I meet someone I must get to know their morals and values, if it does not agree with mine, I shall not let the doorman open my heart to them. Pretty easy to do, right? Not for me! The doorman is the one protecting you from the world.

When I heard this, I've started applying it to my life. It does not mean that I don't have any problems but it surely taught me how to be upfront with people and not always saying yes to everything. It also means not being gullible and manipulated. It does not also mean that you don't help others passionately. It just means to know how much you could let them in to your home which is your heart.

Originally, the Doorman's Principle was used by business people but I've applied it in my personal life. Now that I am in the path of being my own boss, I am starting to apply this.

What are your values and rules in life and business? Do share!!!


  1. Are you talking to me? ...about me? ...Are you me??
    Wow! People pleaser checking in. I'm getting better, but you know old habits die slow deaths. Lol.

    I try to set boundaries for myself; what I will or absolutely will not compromise on; as well as, what I allow people to do with me. I heard somewhere that resentment usually comes when we fail to set boundaries of protection for ourselves.

    1. Yes, that is about right, there will be resentment along the way and we cannot blame anyone except ourselves.

      Write down your principles or your rules and do a check list with everyone around you. Let me know how that goes when you finish. Let us be able to make sure that we are happy with ourselves as well as our surroundings. Things won't be perfect but it sure will be chaotic if there are no rules. What do you think?
