Friday 31 August 2012

Doorman's Principle

Lately, I've been really thinking hard about people having standards in life! Maybe not so much about standards but more of, boundaries.

Do you have boundaries in life? Do you know who you should surround yourself with? What kind of situations you would allow yourself to be in?

About a year ago, I've never thought of these. I am the type of person that used to just let anyone in my life without even examining if their morals and values agrees with mine. I believe this is the reason why there were certain situations I was stuck in.

Few months back, I started thinking how some people are able to say no to others and not in certain situations I was in. I've had chatted with one of the members at the gym, she is the sweetest lady I've met. She always works out with her fiancé then, now husband! One day, while they were working out, I've asked the same questions above; they've introduced me to the Doorman's Principle - this is a list of morals and values that you believe in. They said when I meet someone I must get to know their morals and values, if it does not agree with mine, I shall not let the doorman open my heart to them. Pretty easy to do, right? Not for me! The doorman is the one protecting you from the world.

When I heard this, I've started applying it to my life. It does not mean that I don't have any problems but it surely taught me how to be upfront with people and not always saying yes to everything. It also means not being gullible and manipulated. It does not also mean that you don't help others passionately. It just means to know how much you could let them in to your home which is your heart.

Originally, the Doorman's Principle was used by business people but I've applied it in my personal life. Now that I am in the path of being my own boss, I am starting to apply this.

What are your values and rules in life and business? Do share!!!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

How I got FIT!

Have you heard of CrossFit? According to Wikipedia, CrossFit describes its strength and conditioning program as “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement,"[3] with the stated goal of improving fitness (and therefore general physical preparedness), which it defines as "work capacity across broad time and modal domains."[4] Workouts are typically short—20 minutes or less—and intense, demanding all-out physical exertion. They combine movements such as sprinting, rowing, jumping rope, climbing rope, weightlifting, and carrying odd objects; they use barbells,dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, kettlebells, medicine balls, and many bodyweight exercises.[5][6][7] These elements are mixed in numerous combinations to form prescribed "Workouts of the Day" or "WODs". Hour-long classes at affiliated gyms, or "boxes," typically include a warm-up, a skill development segment, the high-intensity WOD, and a period of individual or group stretching. Performance on each WOD is often scored and/or ranked to encourage competition and to track individual progress. Some affiliates offer additional classes, such as Olympic weightlifting, which are not centered around a WOD.[8] 

So now that you have a bit more idea of what CrossFit is about, I want to let you know that I have lost weight and increased strength by doing CrossFit or the WOD at the end of my Olympic Lifting bootcamp. I have NEVER stepped on those cardio machines to lose any weight. Can you tell that I am not a big fan of the treadmills nor ellipticals? I am one of those personal trainers who believes that one MUST lift heavy weights to burn more body fat and that gaining strength is very important. I have also changed my eating habits - Paleo Style.

After giving birth, I was really feeling bummed about my body. I was trying to figure out how I am able to get back being in shape till I returned to the workforce. When I gave birth, I never worked out! You read that right! Never worked out! I was busy trying to figure out how I am able to provide for my son and myself. Getting back in the fitness world was a bit scary for me, I knew there is something new out there! A new style of workouts, something that's in trend! I was right, that something "new" is CrossFit. At first, I just thought this is just some crazy routines till I started researching. Some people tell me that CrossFit is not really a sport/fitness or have some negative outlook about it. Let me tell you, If you have nothing positive to say about CrossFit, why don't you just SHUT your mouth and do a WOD!! I would love to see you survive it! Oh by the way, anyone doing high reps and heavy weights will never always have good forms especially when the body is almost fatiguing.

Moving forward, I will be keeping you posted with my GLAM Fitness life! So stay tuned!! 

Don't forget to watch this YouTube video! Leave me a comment about what you think about CrossFit.

Friday 24 August 2012

Glimpse of my life

It is almost that time of the year! I am about to add another year in my life. I remember when I was dreading the day when I turned 30.

I believe that in my life I could say I have been financially stable till unfortunate events happened, when all of a sudden, I am starting my life over with zero!

I am sharing this story to you not to brag of what I had but rather to be able to inspire you and be able to give you some pointers. I am not asking for sympathy nor any hate comments from you.

To keep my story short, like what I've stated above. when I was younger I was financially stable, never had a problem with money. Till one day, recession had taken place, I have found myself and my family losing everything we have worked for, then people had accused us wrongly. People that we thought were our friends and relatives had abandoned us. A lot of unnecessary events had happened.

There were times when I started thinking that maybe if I just end my life, everything will be much better. But I've thought about my family and how they will feel. If I ended my life, then I am selfish because as a family we should be stronger than ever rather than leaving the problem behind.

Let us end that story there... Let me continue by saying this, I have survived all the trials and tribulations because I have found God. Without Him I will not have survived, including my family. When I had all the material things that I wanted, I was not happy, something was always missing and I have forgotten to glorify our Creator. My family and I were able to survive because we have claimed the grace and mercy that God had given us.

Ok! 2nd part of the story. As I was going through the emotional roller coaster with my situation. I transitioned from being a business owner to being an employee. During this time, I met a guy who said the right things and I fell for it all. I got pregnant by him and all the "right" things he has said were all lies! I have had the worse days & months of my pregnancy because of what he had put me through. My family & friends have helped me rationalize my situation. At this point, my relationship with God had strengthen. I can truly say without my faith I wouldn't be where I am now.

Now, I am a PROUD single mother, who is striving to be better everyday so I can provide a great future to my son. I am fighting hard to ensure that my son has a strong foundation and learn the right morals and values, most especially to learn and live how our Father want us to be.

For some odd reason, I feel happiness in my life now even though the lessons I've learned were expensive experiences.

Life... We will continue to live. Strive to be the best in everything we do and to glorify Him. Live life glamorously! Learn to not let others define you, the past is the past. Never judge anyone.

PS. This post is from the blogger app for IPhone. I am hoping it will be published with correct format.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Dealing with LIFE...

Lately, I have been dealing with life like crazy. I haven't been getting much rest or sleep. It is either I'm working or looking for ways to have more income streams. Let's not forget, I also have mommy duties to my son whom I love greatly!
Today, I have realized that I am able to clear my mind when I blog, so I will be blogging more. It will be short and sweet.
Enjoy your day! I will try to rest and enjoy mine!

Living GLAM Style

Living GLAM Style is a fashion, beauty, healthy and lifestyle journal that will showcase the GLAM Life of a working mother - that's ME!!. GLAM in this blog is used as living life to its full positive potential; live life and don't just exist. To learn that quality is better than quantity. 

I am hoping that I am able to inspire you in life. Enjoy and I am hoping that you are able to share your thoughts with me.